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来源:母婴世界 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-08-12
摘要:It was once Japan that was famous for its high-speed train network,introducing the world to its Shinkansen,or bullet trains,way back in 1964.But while Japan is still a leader in rail technology,it is now China that holds the crown of high-s

It was once Japan that was famous for its high-speed train network,introducing the world to its Shinkansen,or bullet trains,way back in 1964.But while Japan is still a leader in rail technology,it is now China that holds the crown of high-speed train capital of the world.

日本曾因发达的高铁网络而闻名,早在1964年,“新干线”(或 叫“子弹头列车”)就为世界熟知。尽管日本在铁路技术方面仍处于领先地位,但在高铁运营方面,中国才是当之无愧的世界第一。

2 In the decade or so since China put into operation its first high-speed passenger trains,the country has constructed more than 22,000 kilometres of highspeed rail track to create the longest network on Earth.In 2017,the country launched the world's fastest high-speed train,known as ‘Fuxing'1复兴号动车组简称CR 动车组,它是我国近几年最新研发的一款动车组,级别高于和谐号动车组(CRH)。,which travels at up to 350 kilometres per hour,reducing travel time between Beijing and Shanghai to four and a half hours.

2 大约10年前,中国第一批客运高铁投入运营;在过去的十多年间,中国已经铺设超过2.2 万公里的高铁轨道,总里程居世界第一位。2017年,中国的“复兴号”投入使用,它是世界上运行速度最快的高速列车,时速高达350 公里,使北京到上海的时间缩短到4.5 小时。

3 Now,China's high-speed trains—officially defined as passenger trains that travel at speeds of 250-350 kilometres per hour—take travellers to almost all of the country's Inner Mongolia's first high-speed line opening in July 2017,only Tibet and Ningxia currently lack high-speed with plans for the continued expansion of the network it won't be long until they too are serviced by highspeed lines.

3 在中国,高铁是指时速在250公里至350 公里之间的客运列车。除了个别省份,中国几乎所有的省份都开通了高铁。2017年7月,随着内蒙古第一条高速铁路通车,全国就只剩西藏和宁夏还未开通高铁。但按照计划,高铁网络还会继续扩张,相信这两地很快也会开通高铁。

4 All this makes for a super-fast,and relatively inexpensive way,to cover this country's vast you're in the mood for a speedy look at the Middle Kingdom,here are some of our picks for the most epic high-speed rail journeys in China.

4 在辽阔的中国土地上,高铁网络的发展为人们提供了高速且相对经济的出行方式。如果想速览中国风光,我们推荐以下几条最美的高铁线路。

The Shangri-La Train


5 Currently the longest high-speed rail route in the world and taking less than 11 hours to travel more than 2700km on the quickest service,the Beijing to Kunming train is a truly epic high-speed train journey.

5 京昆高铁的沿途风景颇为壮观。它全长超过2700 公里,是目前世界上里程最长的高铁线路,最快车次运行时间不到11 小时。

6 Travelling from China's capital,Beijing,the train wends its way south through heavily industrial Hebei province into harsh,dusty Henan,sliced in two by the mighty Yellow River,before pushing on west through Hunan,into the karst2karst〈地〉喀斯特(地形)。landscapes of Guizhou and on to Kunming,capital of China's most south-westerly province, train is named in honour of one of Yunnan's most famous cities,mythical Shangri-La,nestled high up in the province's mountainous north and due to get its own connecting highspeed line soon.

6 列车从首都北京出发向南行进,穿过工业重省河北,进入气候干燥、黄土漫漫的河南,雄浑的黄河穿省而过。列车转而向西奔驰,穿过湖南,进入拥有喀斯特地貌的贵州,然后一路奔向中国最西南的省会城市——昆明。列车的名字是为了纪念云南最著名的一座城市——神秘的香格里拉,它坐落于云南省北部山区,很快也会开通第一条高铁线。

7 To break up the journey,be sure to stop off at Zhengzhou,which is within easy reach of Luoyang city and the nearby Longmen Grottoes,one of China's three major ancient Buddhist rock art near Zhengzhou is the Shaolin Temple,where Chinese kung fu is said to have originated.

7 如果想拆分行程,建议在郑州站下车,那儿离洛阳和龙门石窟很近。龙门石窟是中国古代三大佛教石刻艺术宝库之一。中国功夫发源地少林寺也在郑州附近。

The Panda Train


8 Taking between 12 and 13 hours to travel 1690km,this train zips3zip 突进,直冲。along from an ancient Chinese capital to the panda capital of the world.

8 从古都南京到熊猫之都成都,这列火车在中国的土地上飞驰1690 公里,运行时间12—13 小时。

9 Beginning at Nanjing,a city of both proud and tragic history,it hurtles4hurtle 疾驰。through the Yangzi basin,into the megacity region of Chongqing,gateway between eastern and southwestern here,it pushes on into the mountainous heartland of Sichuan to arrive at Chengdu,home to the world-famous Giant Panda Breeding and Research Base.

文章来源:《母婴世界》 网址: http://www.mysjzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0812/481.html


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