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来源:母婴世界 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-06-24





“Regime” is another word that was neutral 50 years ago but today always refers to an “evil” , like Chinese, is a living language, and changes with the historic and political ordinary, daily conversation, of course, if we’re too cautious about every word, we won’t dare open our mouth! We can’t be paranoid about this. But when we “tell China’s story”, in English or any other language, we must also “sell” that story by crafting it carefully and trying to put ourselves in our listeners’ shoes because they probably have not had the good fortune to have experienced China as you and I have.

Like my Chinese student in Washington, D.C., I sometimes am frustrated by foreigners’ prejudices and snide remarks, but most of these are rooted in ignorance. If we can help them see China as we do, chances are that they too will come to love both the place and the people.

For example, over the years I helped a dozen Chinese cities compete in competitions for livable international communities, and in Germany in 2002, I was shocked when a highly educated and well-traveled European mayor said to me, “I did not know that China had tall buildings.” Another was surprised that China had modern medicine. And the so-called ‘objective’ judges had their own biases.

Fortunately, I understand foreigners’ ignorance and prejudice so I prepared in advance. First, I chose to see them not as judges but as customers. I’d have been nervous as a competitor in front of judges, competing against professional,well-funded foreign teams. But I was not at all nervous about selling my Chinese city because I teach business and I know how to sell!

Second, I did not confront them or argue. I know I can’t win an argument with a customer, or a judge. It’s even hard to win an argument with my own wife. Besides, some of their criticisms had a little truth, but that is simply because all countries have the same problems! And that is how I opened their eyes and hearts. I helped them see that Chinese have the same hopes and fears, and the same problems, but they could learn from how Chinese have used their creativity and wisdom to solve those problems. Perhaps most importantly, I personalized my China story. I showed them a China they’d never seen—my China.



文章来源:《母婴世界》 网址: http://www.mysjzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0624/1231.html


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